iPhone 4 in Demand

I’ve previously posted some interesting Craigslist ads on my blog, but this may be one of the craziest so far: Cambio sexo por Iphone 4 Soy una joven argentina bonita, sensual, educada, elegante, open minded y bilingue. Me robaron el telefono celular y lo necesito para trabajar. Ofrezco XX cantidad de horas de sexo a cambio de … Read more

The New BK Stacker Quintuple Hits Buenos Aires

Were four meat patties with 1,000 calories, 68g of fat (30g of that saturated) and 1800mg of sodium not enough for you? Or, were you upset that the you could only get three meat patties from your U.S. Burger King after they took the BK Stacker Quad off the menu? Well, fear not, because BK … Read more

Great Deal: Fly to Buenos Aires for $887 coach, $1478 for business

US Airways is currently offering a 100% mileage bonus on any purchased miles. This means that when you buy 30,000 miles for $887, they give you another 30,000 miles – enough for a coach ticket to Buenos Aires. When you buy 50,000 miles for $1478, you end up with 100,000 miles – enough for a … Read more

Smoothie Bar: The Jamba Juice of Buenos Aires – CLOSED

UPDATE: Unfortunately, proving that doing business in Argentina is no easy feat, The Smoothie Bar is no longer in business. Take a concept that has worked well in the United States. Copy it. Bring it to Buenos Aires. This is a business model that has worked out quite well as you can see from this … Read more

Buenos Aires News: Edition 14

Here’s some of our favorite Buenos Aires blog posts, news and updates from the last week: Argentina Approves Nationwide Smoking Ban [The Argentine Post] Argentina passed a law on Wednesday that bans smoking in indoor work spaces, schools, hospitals, museums, clubs and public transportation systems. It also places strict limits on the sale, advertising and … Read more

Bureaucracy in Argentina

This video pretty much sums up many of our experiences dealing with Argentine bureaucracy (even though the video is from Spain). I cannot begin to tell you how many trips it takes to get anything done here – usually because some little piece of paperwork is missing.

Here’s some recent examples:
  • It took us 7 trips to the motor vehicles office in order to trade in our car
  • After supposedly getting my DNI within 45 days, I was called back down to the immigration offices because they had misplaced my fingerprints and photos. When I got there (not close, by the way), they told me that they had everything and didn’t need me. They said my DNI would be there within two weeks. Two weeks later, and no DNI, I found out they really were missing my photos and fingerprints and needed me to go again!
  • Getting our marriage license took no less than four trips downtown to present all the paperwork
This is one of the disadvantages of giving up that tourist visa for a more full-time experience here!
– Thanks to Madeline for passing on this video.

Random Observations

When I started this blog, a lot of my initial posts were focused on all the differences I experienced in Buenos Aires vs living in the States for my whole life. Well, after 2+ years and now making this my semi-permanent home, these little differences have pretty much disappeared as I settled in from being … Read more