Checking the Weather

I started packing my clothing for the move today and was immediately struck by the thought, “Hmmm…I wonder what I should pack.” I’ll be back in the US in December, so I can always pick up another season of clothing then. In order to pack, I guess I probably should know what the weather is going … Read more

Cancel Car Insurance?

I’ve been trying to sell one car on Craigslist and eBay (know anyone who needs a low mileage Toyota Solara?) and the other car is a lease that’s being returned three months early, so of course I’ve also been planning on canceling my car insurance. That should save me some money, right? That is what … Read more

Register with the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires

I just happened to be reading The Argentine Post blog and one of their articles mentioned that Americans living or traveling in Argentina are encouraged to register with the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires. Hmm, I never knew that. I guess that old saying that you learn something new every day is actually true. I headed over … Read more

Disappointed #2

While selling most of your worldy possessions can be a very freeing experience, I have to say that I did have one other disappointment about deciding to make the move to BsAs.  That disappointment was having to sell my bike. It was a 2006 BMW Dakar F650 GS and only had 3000 miles on it. … Read more


The one major disappointment that I have about moving to Buenos Aires is that I was not able to rush out today and wait in line with everyone else to get the newest iPhone 3G.  I had to read all the blogs about it and all the great new software they have for it, and … Read more

Making Lists

It seems like a lot of what I have been doing in preparing for this move is making lists. I think most moves probably involve this, but moving overseas definitely has its own special complications. So, yes, not much more to say – I have to get back to making lists.

Credit Cards

The next thing on the “To Do” list was to replace any of my credit cards that were expiring in the next year or so. This turned out to be incredibly easy. My American Express expires in 7 months, and after a quick call to customer service, they sent me a new card via overnight … Read more