Not So Subtle Marketing

So, Quilmes has a new 6.9% alcohol beer that they’re marketing.  The new name? Quilmes Night 69 – because you never know what might happen after a 6-pack of this. Anyone try it yet? In other news, I found a one liter can of Asahi Super Dry in Chinatown for only $30 pesos yesterday. I … Read more

NYC Empanadas

Here’s some empanada combinations that you definitely won’t find in Buenos Aires anytime soon: Not so sure about the “hot dog and cheese” but the buffalo chicken was pretty good! And, all came served in a Chinese egg roll bag… While they were “interesting,” empanadas from La Guitarrita  are one of the few things I’m looking … Read more

New AFIP Form

Everyone in Buenos Aires knows that AFIP has restricted access to purchasing dollars and requires permission for any purchase. Well, now it looks like they have some more new restrictions: Thanks, Canick. Jajaja. Also, check out this site if you haven’t seen it yet – it let’s you buy dollars at the official rate without … Read more

Argentina Tightens Customs Inspections at Airports

The big news this week was that Argentina has banned the import of books into the country in the name of protecting citizens against “dangerous levels of lead in foreign made inks.” This new book ban means that one will no longer be able to order from without having to make a trip out to … Read more

Holy Inflation!

We’ve now been back in Buenos Aires for a little over two weeks after being in the States for just over three months. The first thing we noticed upon being back (aside from the poor paper towel and toilet paper) was the amount that prices have increased. We didn’t imagine that prices in three months … Read more

iPhone 4 in Demand

I’ve previously posted some interesting Craigslist ads on my blog, but this may be one of the craziest so far: Cambio sexo por Iphone 4 Soy una joven argentina bonita, sensual, educada, elegante, open minded y bilingue. Me robaron el telefono celular y lo necesito para trabajar. Ofrezco XX cantidad de horas de sexo a cambio de … Read more

Swarms of Flies?

Can someone please explain the swarms of flies that seem to like to hang out under building balconies and entryways? I’ve never seen anything like it before, but over and over I’ve noticed that swarms of flies are at the entrances to many buildings here. They’re not annoying and move out of the way as … Read more