After watching the Forks Over Knives documentary this summer – and buying their cookbook – I quickly realized that I could not commit to a full vegan lifestyle change. However, I decided to drastically reduce the amount of meat in my diet, especially red meat.
While we were in the US we had a ton of options to replace meat including some very good vegan products and also a lot of seafood choices. Now, back in Buenos Aires (the land of red meat), most of those options do not exist. Luckily, after some searching, we have been finding quite a few good seafood markets. The Disco Supermarket on Cuba in Belgrano has a great seafood section, and is probably the nicest supermarket I’ve been too in Buenos Aires so far.
Knowing what fish is what is a big step in finding the best choices. So, without further ado, I present to you the Spanish to English fish translation guide for Argentina. Please leave a comment and let me know of any that I may have missed.
Spanish | English |
Abadejo | Kingclip |
Almeja | Clam |
Anchoa | Anchory / Bluefish |
Anchoita | Anchovy |
Atn | Tuna |
Bacalao | Codfish |
Besugo | Red Snapper |
Bonito | Bonito |
Brotola | Forkbeard |
Cabala | Mackerel |
Calamar | Calamari / Squid |
Calamarete | Small Squid |
Camaron | Common Prawn |
Cangrejo | Crab |
Castaeta | Pomfret |
Cazn | Shark |
Centolla | King Crab |
Cigala | Crayfish |
Congrio | Conger Eel |
Corvina | Croaker |
Chernia | Sea Bass |
Dorado | Mahi Mahi |
Lacha | Atlantic Herring |
Langosta | Lobster |
Langostino | Shrimp / Crawfish |
Lenguado | Flounder / Fluke |
Lisa | Mullet |
Mero | Grouper |
Mejillon | Mussel |
Merluza | Hake / Whiting |
Merluza Negra | Toothfish |
Palometa | Bream |
Pargo | Sea Bream |
Pejerrey | Pejerrey |
Pescadilla | Sea Trout |
Pez Angel | Angelfish |
Pez espada | Swordfish |
Pez Limon | Yellowtail |
Pez Palo | Flathead |
Pulpo | Octopus / Cuttlefish |
Raya | Ray |
Robalo | Bass |
Salmon | Salmon |
Salmonete | Mullet |
Trilla | Mullet |
Vieyra | Scallop |
Hope this helps you out too.