Wow, you go away for a couple of weeks and so many new things happen… Sorry if you’ve already seen some of these sites and links, but I thought they were worth repeating. This might even become a weekly update…
First, the very funny expat-humored Tumblr blog “When You Live In Argentina” launched. The site features well captioned animated GIFs mostly about expat life in Argentina. Some of our early favorites include:

Head over and check out the rest of the site now for a quick laugh.
Next up on the new website front is The Bubble. The Bubble is an expat-themed, English-language news, events and pop culture site that puts a humorous twist on Argentine happenings. If the writing looks familiar to you, that’s because the founder, Adrian Bono, previously wrote the very funny weekly roundup for The Argentina Independent. Another site to definitely add to your Google Reader Feedly list.
Ready for some happiness? The new Mapa de la Felicidad (Spanish) attempts to map out how happy Argentines are. Fill out the survey or view the results. Spoiler alert – people are not very happy.
Now, ready to see how Hollywood views Argentina? Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of these video compilations for a good laugh:
Finally, if you’re not yet checking out the Argentina subreddit, you really need to. It’s a great place to follow some of the latest news stories and controversies. There’s also a Buenos Aires subreddit, but it’s much less active.
Happy browsing and be sure and send us any new sites you know about as well.